Actions You Can Take Today:
Sign the Petition and share widely
Email the Port Commissioners and the Port Staff and tell them why the airport expansion is a risk to community health and climate. Encourage modernization and capping flights instead of expansion.
Email Port Commissioners
Email Port Project Staff
Pledge to fly less The Oakland Airport says they are expanding to serve demand, despite sluggish air travel trends. Prove them wrong and let’s see air traffic go down for the health of the community and planet!
Write a letter to the editor. Here are some tips and examples.
Volunteer for this campaign, all skills needed. If you would like to get involved email us!
Share the campaign. Flyers here. Share on social media #stopOAKexpansion
Recent Actions
10/16/23 Organizational Sign On Letter to the Port of Oakland responding to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)
On behalf of our members and supporters, the undersigned groups urge the Port of Oakland to protect our communities, our health, and the planet, and therefore reject the Oakland International Airport Terminal Modernization and Development Project (“Project”) (SCH No. 2021050164). The Project commits the Oakland Airport to a path of expansion at exactly the wrong time. We urge the Port to reconsider how this Project fits into the City of Oakland’s ongoing commitments to protect its residents from air and noise pollution and to comply with city and state climate goals. Because these commitments cannot be squared with a major project to expand operations at the Oakland Airport, the Project should be halted for the following reasons…
Click here to read the full letter signed by 56 organizations
8/15/23 and 8/30/23 Coalition Rally and public comment at the Airport Public Hearing
Link to recorded meetings with over 60 public comments made opposing airport expansion:
8/15 In Person Hearing:
8/15 Zoom Hearing:
8/30 In Person Hearing:
8/30 Zoom Hearing (including 15 youth comments):
2021 Notice of Preparation Response: Comments on the scope and content of the Draft EIR For Oakland Airport Terminal Development
Link to Letter to Port of Oakland Environmental Programs and Planning Division, June 06, 2021 signed by 10 organizations and 83 Individuals with additional individual comments at end of letter.
Link to Letter from Coalition Steering Committee to Port of Oakland Environmental Programs and Planning Division June 06, 2021